Armed Citizen Low-Light Shooting with FAST762

Here, the author practices barricade shooting using the Harries Technique

Historically, police officers spend at least half of their career working nights, especially as a “new boot” out on the streets, yet a majority of law enforcement officers receive little to no training when it comes to low-light tactics.  For many states, low-light firearms qualifications is only mandated once a year and is done in a static environment.

Wanting to improve our agencies firearms training, I set out to find some advanced low-light tactical training.  Over the past decade, I have attended a few courses on low-light training from some of the companies that are sponsored by tactical light manufacturers. While I did pick up on some good techniques, these were honestly nothing more than infomercials with a few practical exercises thrown in with their demo lights.

FAST762 Owner and Trainer Kenan Flasowski reviewing basic pistol shooting concepts.
Since my search for tactical low-light training happened to be back in February 2013 when ammo, guns, and everything else was scarce, due to the looming “gun control” legislation, finding a course was not that easy.

That was when I checked on the courses being offered by Kenan Flasowski, owner of Field Advisory Services and Training ( Kenan is a retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major Special Forces Sniper/Assaulter and served in the Special Mission - Hostage Rescue Unit.

One of the most admirable aspects that Kenan brings to the table is his humbleness. I have been to several tactical courses where half the class was taken up by the instructor’s war stories, but not here! Kenan believes that he is paid to train you, and that is what he will do!

My first run-in with Kenan was during my AR-15 Patrol Rifle Instructor’s Course at Texas A&M’s TEEX Law Enforcement Training Facility where he works as an adjunct instructor. Several months back, Kenan taught a combat shotgun course for my agency, which I felt was one of the best patrol shotgun courses I have been through in my law enforcement career!
The author shooting his M&P 357 (with 40S&W conversion) and TLR-1 tactical light.
The quality of training I got at the FAST762 low-light training went above and beyond what I expected. In the past, most of the low-light training I received centered around building clearing and room-to-room searches, yet realistically, a majority of my low-light suspect encounters are in an open, outdoor environment (so bring adequate clothing, because the course goes on rain, snow, or shine).

Since there is no classroom to sit in, the first half of the class was conducted in the late afternoon. During this portion, basic shooting drills are conducted (mainly to allow Kenan to assess everyone’s level of shooting skills).  Single handed shooting is then incorporated where you will quickly fill the support hand with your flashlight and learn to shoot from numerous positions, learning the pros and cons of each.

Once the sun sets, the real fun begins! Kenan had us shooting from sitting positions, from behind barricades, on the move, and included “shoot/don’t shoot” targets, all with little to no ambient lighting (which is dependent on the moon and/or cloud cover). This course is everything that the armed civilian could want!
WAIT!?! Did I just say “armed civilian”!?!
FAST762 civilian student practicing single-hand drills
That is absolutely correct! You see, FAST762’s Night Handgun Class, like many of the other courses, are offered to the armed civilian who wishes to improve on their skills. Now, the question I commonly get when I tell people this is, “Why is a police firearms instructor going to a civilian oriented firearms course?” The answer, it quiet simple, there are only “X” amount of ways to shoot a gun! I believe that not only trainers, but police officers in general, should be open minded to the variety of training that is available and not limit themselves to “law enforcement only” type training.

For more information on FAST762 and view the current course calendar, you can visit the website at: or call Kenan at 979-224-3779.

As the Central Texas sun sets, two depleted 15 round magazines are waiting to be reloaded for some nighttime training.

I would like to thank Joe Watson, who allowed me to post the wonderful photos he captured during my training session! All photos are copyrighted and used by permission.


  1. Excellent class review Matthew! I also took one of Kenan's low light classes last year. It was a blast! I highly recommend it to anyone.


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