First Shot - Sig P938
The other month, I was at a local gun range qualifying with my department when a gentleman showed up on the range. We were supposed to have the range all to ourselves, with no "civilians" allowed. Since this was an indoor range with separate shooting bays, I didn't push the issue (since he was sent over there by the range's management and they weren't charging us to shoot!) During a break, I noticed the gentleman had a nice variety of VERY NICE and VERY PRICEY pistols! Being nice, and not running the guy off paid off, as he happily let us fire his small arsenal. Aside from the NightHawk custom 1911 that I fell in love with, he had one of Sig's new P938 9mm compact pistols. Granted, I probably should be blogging about shooting the 1911, but I will honestly say that the little Sig impressed me. I have always been on a constant search for the "perfect" pocket pistol. I have a Kel-Tec 3AT and a Ruger LCP which I carry all the time, but the double...