Product Review: SpecOps Gen II Adjustable Shotgun Stock
Before the AR-15/M4 platform became widely used among law enforcement, shotguns were the long-gun of choice for the patrol officer. They were easy to operate, short enough to be mounted inside the patrol car’s cab area, and provided an extended range out to 100 yards with slugs. While semi-auto shotguns have been around several decades, most departments required (and still issue) the “tried and true” pump-action scatter guns such as the Remington 870 and the Mossberg 500 which have been in use for over 60 years. Like the Colt 1911 pistol, the popularity and ruggedness of the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 platforms allowed the manufacturers to tweak these popular shotguns to the point where there was not much the end-user could do to enhance their performance. Blackhawk SpecOps Stock Gen-II (,1808,165.htm ) A couple of years ago, I came across an advertisement for the Knoxx (Blackha...