The Four Risk Responses You Should Know Before Planning Your Overlanding Adventure

The Four Risk Responses Before Planning Your Overlanding Adventure In the late 19 th and early 20 th century, ranchers would drive their cattle to new grazing lands or to market annually, which was commonly referred to as a cattle drive. Australia, on the other hand, referred to the cattle drives as Overlanding the cattle. History has taught us moving cattle across the country was hard, tedious work. Cowboys drove cattle all day and made camp wherever their journey took them. As the cattle drives began to fade away due to more efficient modes of transportation, such as the railroad and automobiles, the well-beaten paths trodden down by thousands of head of cattle where transformed into new roadways. In the United States, many of these trails were eventually paved, making travel quicker and smoother. Trails cutting through Australia's Outback were a different story. While used for automobiles, many of these trails were not paved, or even improved much since the last ...