
Showing posts from 2015

What about the Bells and Whistles!?!

As a firearms instructor and Glock/M4 armorer, I am often asked, “Hey! Check out my new gun and everything I have installed on it and tell me what you think!” My initial reaction is to cringe (and I usually do) when the weapon system looks like it should belong in the accessory catalog for an aftermarket gun parts manufacturer! Now, do not get me wrong, I have a few accessories on my personal weapons, but from trial and error, I have learned that less is sometimes better. Let’s face it, there is bunch of cool looking stuff out there that was designed by some Special Forces guy that partnered with another vendor to help market their product. Paint it black, coyote brown, OD green or digital cammo and you can call it tactical. If it serves no real purpose and only looks cool, then it is an official CDI accessory! Oh! By the way, CDI stands for “Chicks Dig It”, hence the name of my blog site! In this blog, I am going to give my personal opinion on some of the most common add-ons ...